AI for Earth

Wednesday, 22 April 2020 13:00 – 14:00 BST


Celebrate 50 years of Earth Day 2020 by understanding how AI can be used to tackle the most pressing and urgent issues facing climate change, right now.Explore how to maximise the gains for society and our environment by putting AI to work for the planet.

Harnessing AI for the Earth

  • Climate Change: where are the best examples of how countries, communities and companies around the world are using AI to engage in climate resilience, adaptation, and mitigation efforts?
  • How are you using AI to solve global environmental challenges/ creating sustainable models of practice?
  • In practice, how does AI need to be developed to ensure that these evolving systems remain “friendly” and incorporate the health of the natural environment as a fundamental dimension?
  • How can businesses transform their models and embrace the shift to a low-carbon, sustainable future?
  • From a macroeconomic and development point of view, where are the opportunities for emerging markets to harness AI-enabled innovations to leapfrog developed counterparts, investing first in AI-enabled systems and digital infrastructure, to reap sizable productivity and sustainability gains?


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Senior Disaster Management Specialist
Pacific Disaster Center
Senior Disaster Management Specialist
Pacific Disaster Center
Open Ocean Robotics
Open Ocean Robotics
Governments Liaison (Africa Drone Forum)
World Bank Group Tanzania Office
Governments Liaison (Africa Drone Forum)
World Bank Group Tanzania Office

The founder and CEO of DTBi, the only Tech Incubator/Accelerator supporting entrepreneurship & innovation in Tanzania. Prior to that he was the first Principal Deputy CEO of the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and Senior Advisor in the Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Ministry of Infrastructure & ICT in Rwanda. For over 8 years, Mulamula was the first Africa Technical Expert in Intellectual Property Automation with WIPO based in Geneva, Switzerland and worked with Sub-Sahara African Governments on the utility of ICT in IP innovation. He is a mentor/coach for entrepreneurs, conducted pitching sessions in and outside the country, including at Global Entrepreneurship Summits, GIST boot camps in Tanzania & South Africa, Unreasonable East Africa and Demo Africa in Uganda & Kenya. He is the Chair of the Tanzania Airtel Fursa judging team for the national youth entrepreneurship growth, on the Advisory Board of the Global Learning XPRIZE in California (USA), a member of the Tanzania National Financial Sector Deepening Trust, Commissioner on the Tanzania National ICT Commission.

Past President 2020 - 21
IEEE Canada
Past President 2020 - 21
IEEE Canada
Research Lead AI for Earth Science/EnviroNet
McGill University
Research Lead AI for Earth Science/EnviroNet
McGill University

Dr Mukkavilli has been a researcher across four continents in the past 10 years and technology advisor for various organisations. He is helping lead the synergistic future of artificial intelligence with Earth system science, climate change and energy disciplines for organisations and the well-being of people.

He has been a Postdoctoral Fellow for a Turing Laureate in deep learning and collaborates with IPCC Nobel Prize winning climate scientists. He founded a startup to build planetary climate intelligence that was a finalist at Creative Destruction Lab. He co-authored papers featured in MIT Tech Review and National Geographic on climate change and machine learning, and developed the carbon cycle method and plant-rich diet solution for the NY Times bestseller, Drawdown. He advises McConnell Foundation on civic transition with technology, serves on American Meteorological Society AI committee, technology advisory board of World Energy Meteorology Council, is a senior consultant to Keeling Curve Prize and an affiliate AI research scholar at Berkeley Lab. At the McGill School of Computer Science he leads AI for Earth Science efforts including EnviroNet: repository of ImageNet analogs for the environment with several collaborators for benchmarking AI progress.

In his new role in California, he will be working to fundamentally advance Earth system models with deep learning on the US Department of Energy billion dollar exascale computing initiative and project scientist at Uni. of California.

At Mila – Quebec AI Institute, he has been a postdoc fellow with the scientific director, Yoshua Bengio on the visualizing climate change project co-founded with Microsoft Research. He led a contract with Rutherford Appleton Lab in European Space Agency’s Earth Observations data science entrepreneurship initiative.

He completed Harvard Business School Executive’s Program for Leaders in Digital Innovation sponsored by Harvard Club of Australia. During his PhD with University of New South Wales’(UNSW) School of Photovoltaics and Renewable Energy Engineering he was a Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Office of Chief Executive Scholar in their flagship Ocean and Atmosphere division and a visiting affiliate at Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics. He received a MSc in Chemical Engineering with Imperial College London’s Centre for Process Systems Engineering, and a BE (Honours) from the University of Auckland’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, with a UCLA exchange scholarship.

Climate Change Advisor
Climate Change Advisor



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