WORKSHOP 5: AI Renaissance: Reshaping Cities to Implement AI Responsibly - World Summit AI Amsterdam
Written by inspiredmindsadm

As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution, cities around the world are faced with the challenge of reinventing themselves to manage the risks and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence. The city of Pittsburgh—a leading global hub for self-driving cars, autonomous manufacturing, medical robotics, and smart city infrastructure—is no stranger to reinvention. Following a period of post-industrial decline in the late 20th Century, the city rebuilt itself around the innovation prowess of its leading universities, investing in leading edge research around life sciences, AI, and robotics. Now, Pittsburgh is poised to play a significant role in helping to shape Industry 4.0, with a unique combination of research capabilities, place-based innovation strategies, and values structure around responsible technology development. Under the mantra, “If it’s not for all, it’s not for us,” the city’s cross-sector leadership has recognized the risks of recklessly deploying AI systems, and has committed to ensuring that AI implementation is as ethical as it is effective. To that end, Pittsburgh is actively engaging in a wide range of local, regional, and international partnerships, and is excited to participate in World Summit AI. You are invited to join the conversation, and to explore opportunities to work together to shape the future of our cities.

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